29 JANUARY 1910, page 48

Thomas Scott Tile Commentator.

Thomas Scott the Commentator. By the Rev. A. C. Downer. (C. J. Thynne. 38. net.)—This is an interesting study of life, manners, and character. Dr. Thomas Scott made an unhappy......

The Aberdeen Doctors.

The Aberdeen Doctors. By D. Macmillan, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—This volume contains the first series of lectures delivered on the Ha,stie foundation. Dr. Hastie was......

Court Life In China.

Court Life in China. By Isaac Taylor Headland. (Fleming H. Revell Company. 65. net.)—Professor Headland explains that in writing this book he has had the assistance of Mrs.......

Happy Schooldays.

Happy Schooldays. By Margaret E. Saunders. (Hodder and Stoughton. 2s. 6d. net.)—Miss Saunders might have entitled her book "How to be Happy though at School" but for the fear of......

Memodis Of Scottish Catholics.

Memoirs of Scottish Catholics, 1627 - 1792. , Selected from hitherto , Unedited MSS. by William Forbes Leith, S.J. 2 vols. (Longmans and Co. 24s. net.)—Father Leith has......

In The Days Of The Georges.

In the Days of the Georges. By W. B. Boulton. (Eveleigh Nash. 15s.)—We do not wish to be rude when we say that we could have done without this book. It is the subject that not......