29 JULY 1899, page 1

On Thursday, At A Luncheon Held At The Westminster Palace

Hotel by the Midland Union of Conservative Associa- tions, Mr. Balfour spoke with great good sense on the situa- tion in the Transvaal. What complicated the problem, he pointed......

News Of The Week.

• A 5 the South African debate in the House of Commons on Friday night will not have taken place when we go to press, we can only deal generally with the situation. It is clear......

The Transvaal Blue-book Relating To The Bloemfontein...

Wednesday, contains a very able despatch by Sir Alfred Milner. The most important passage is that which deals with and defends his insistence upon the franchise being the......

The Other Incident Was The Alleged Treasonable Telegram...

Schreiner to the Transvaal Executive, which was sup- posed to be meant to encourage the Boers not to give in. As a matter of fact, it was intended to prevent them committing......

We Suppose This Remark Will Be Called " Threatening "

and " bloodthirsty " in certain quarters, but for ourselves we are exceedingly glad that it was made. Though we are most anxious to avoid war, we hold that at the present moment......

Two Incidents In The Earlier Part Of The Week Require

to be recorded. The first was President Kruger's quarrel with the Raad over the dynamite monopoly. The Raad wishes to put an end to it, but the President is determined to main-......

Tlw Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any...
