29 JUNE 1929, page 31

Sleuths And Slayers

The' Best Detective Stories of 'the Year. 1928. With as introduction by. R. A. Knox. (Faber and Gwyer.. 7s. 6d.) WaNr is a detective story, Father Knox asks in his introdue7......


Heroes and Neroes A HERO was a splendid creature once, whose story was a tribute to the beauty, the valour, the wisdom, the kinship with the gods, which made him invincible in......

Eileen Of The Trees. By H. De Vere Stacpoole. (cassell.

7s. 6d.)—A bare summary of the plot of this novel must inevitably render it injustice. Pat Spence is a boy of seventeen, who is heir to a fortune. His mother being dead and his......