2 AUGUST 1935, page 16

Colour Names

Most of us who have read flower catalogues have been amused at the frantic efforts made to describe colours and tints, and the sellers of stuffs make equally vain efforts. The......

• * * Empire Flowers Sonic Allusion Was Made The

other day to the neglect of flowers overseas. I learn that the gap has been more or less made good in regard to the flowers of Western Australia (which are many, rare and......

The Skokholm Cage • Everyone Knows How Much Has Been

discovered about the mystery Of the way of a bird in the air by help of the ringing of birds. All over North America and Europe this device is employed. A narrow aluminium (or......

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Ploughing by Dynamite It is sometimes said that our producers are too conservative and too little adaptable and imaginative. Many are ; but the charge cannot be made against the......

The Cost Of Ringing

This ridiculous sum, as Mr. Micawber used to say, is one small item, though very important, in the cost of the scheme. Seven sizes of rings have to be manufactured, and......

Country Life

A Gardener's Courage How admirable is the cheerful courage of some of our commercial growers l Last week I walked over one of the best fruit farms in England, and found the......

The First Migrants On The Subject Of Migration, I Was

in a garden on the border of Worcester and Shropshire, when there appeared suddenly a host of swi uts. They flew round and about the house low down and almost brushed the heads......