2 AUGUST 1935, page 19

The Church And Marriage

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin, Many must have read with grave concern the results of the joint Convocation of York and Canterbury on Marriage. Particularly in these......

[to The Editor Of Tim Spectator.] Sin,—the Death Of George

Russell, mystic, visionary, poet, painter and practical man of affairs, makes one realize anew how seldom such a combination of . perceptions are possessed by one man. I.......

Maternal Mortality 'and A Remedy

[To the Editor of TiiE SPECTATOR.] Stn,—To the useful letter signed F. W. Stella Browne -in the last issue of The Spectator I should like to add the following statement made by......

Is Cricket Declining ?

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—To think that I should catch Mr. Neville Cardus out on a cricket date! Yet did not a schoolboy once bowl W. G. and have the same kind of......

Basic English

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Mr. Cather says as a point against Basic English that " for international use we cannot accept anything but a Ain language. For example......