2 NOVEMBER 1945, page 15

The Return Of The Natives Signs Multiply That The English

red squirrel, which has suffered com- plete eclipse in some places and partial in others, is returning. They have just appeared in a garden in the very suburbs of a small......

Country Life

A RAGING wind is to a great many birds like a rough sea to a small boat. They are definitely afraid of it. Some long-tailed birds, conspicuously the pheasant, quite refuse to......

Sm,—may I Add The Following Simple Explanation To - Yours...

above? A very great part of the 15 million a day spent during the war was not only completely unproductive for the purposes of puce but actually spent to be blown up in the air......

The B.a.o.r's Views

Sut,—I should like to make one comment on Mr. W. G. Moore's interest- ing article, " The B.A.O.R.'s Views," in your issue of October 12th, which arrived recently. Mr. Moore......

More Pimpernels

A large number of botanists appear to be particularly interested in recent discoveries of three sorts of pimpernel—red, blue and pink. One writing from Cheshire reports the......

English Culture

" A Spectator's Notebook " last week you referred to the phenomenal sales of Dr. Trevelyan's English Social History and to the 83} tons of paper devoted to this publication by......

Hodge On The Budget

One does not expect crisp criticisms of a Budget from a countryman ; but I heard the following on the morrow of Budget day : " So they've taken off the tax on refrigerators but......

Spending And Having

S IR, —I agree, of course, with your rejoinder to Mr. F. A. Heaton's exasperated letter on " Spending and Having." But I have found that an effective method of explaining to......

Tin Traps

The moving tale of another mammal (which is certainly quite as numerous as ever) reaches me from a country rectory. By the side of the road was seen a jerking tin, and as such......

The Crooning Plague

Six,—There may be persons who like listening to crooners, although I have never met one. On the other hand, I have known many people whip would cheerfully assist me in......

In My Garden Among The Most Unexpected Of Late Flowers

is the vegetable marrow, which is still producing fruit as well like the out-of-door tomatoes. Raspberries also are in very full flower with a few fruits. In the flower- garden......

Honour Where Due

SIR,—In order to celebrate the passing of the Family Alkiwance Act, a reception is being given to Miss Eleanor Rathbone at Grosvenor House, Park Lane, W. 1, on Tuesday, November......

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