2 NOVEMBER 1945, page 2

The United Nations

After over three months of work, the executive committee of the Preparatory Commission of the United Nations has now approved a final report containing recommendations and......

Distress In Europe

It is difficult to agree with Sir Arthur Salter that all the means are available to save the distressed countries of Europe, especially Germany, from starvation and disease in......

The Dock Strike : Fifth Week

There are signs that the dock strike, now in its fifth week, has reached a critical stage, and hopes that the dockers may resolve the crisis in favour of returning •to work.......

Atomic Research

The Government's announcement that a research establishment is to be created to investigate the uses of atomic energy will provoke more inquiries than it answers. Is research to......

The Government And L He Bank

Mr. Churchill having declared in the course of the debate on the Address in August that " the national ownership of the Bank of England does not in my opinion raise any question......