2 OCTOBER 1982, page 18


Predictable slaughter Sir: 'Anyone who is claiming now, after the cruel murders of Palestinian civilians by the Phalangists, that this is not Israel's respon- sibility is......

Wrong Line

Sir: Why are writers like Richard West so often silly about railways (in the ridiculous- ly named article, 'Loot from the Lebanon', 11 September)? He could not get a ticket from......

Saving St Barnabas

Sir: I have not until today seen Gavin Stamp's article, 'Redundancy of imagina- tion' (4 September), in which he makes an outstandingly good case for a continuing independent......

For The Record

Sir: Grateful as I am for the huge amount of space given to my review of Ben n Y Green's Wisden Anthology (25 Septembe r), one small cut which might have cause d , puzzlement......

Voluntary Contribution

Sir: You do an injustice to the staff of Wel ls Cathedral, to the English language an d to yourself, when you refer to the cathedral . vitation for subscriptions as blackm ail......

Forum On Porn

Sir: A good Harley Street psychiatrist costs only £30 per hour and even at the meagre rate of remuneration reportedly available to Spectator contributors this should not be......