30 AUGUST 1902, page 16

The Secret Transmission Of News.

[TO TUE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTATOR.••] SIR,—In the article in the Spectator of August 16th reference is made to the general belief in the existence of some form of transmission of......

Colonial Training For Women.

[TO THE EDITOR OF TUC "SPECTATOR."] SIR; I should like to draw the attention of your readers to a peculiarly happy idea that was set forth in the Westminster Gazette recently in......

An Historical Truth Society.

rTO THE EDITOR OF TIIR "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Is it not time to form an association under some such title as this,—an association of men bound by their own rules to recognise the......

A Simpler Life.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.1 SIR, —In what class of English society is household work thought " almost indecent" ? " N. Z." (Spectator, August 16th) can scarcely have......