30 JANUARY 1904, page 18

The Position In German South-west Africa Shows No Signs .of

improvement. The latest reports state that the line from the coast is cut, partly by rain and partly by the insurgents, and that Windhoek, the capital, is closely besieged by a......

Europe Has Sustained A Permanent Loss Through The...

by fire of the Turin Library. The fire, caused, it is believed, by some defect in the electric apparatus, burnt the library out in four hours in the *early morning of the 26th......

Mr. Leigh Hunt, An Expert Agriculturist, Declares In A...

quoted in the Times that the Soudan will furnish the finest cotton-fields in the world. There are thousands of square miles of deep alluvial soil along the ten thousand miles of......

Renter's Correspondent At Johannesburg Gives Particulars...

favour of Chinese labour, promoted by the Importation Association, and presented to the Legislative Council on Monday. It is stated that the petition has been signed by......

The Colonial Secretary, Addressing His Constituents At...

claimed Kingsley, Ruskin, and Carlyle as authorities against the extreme doctrine of Free- trade. They seem to us doubtful allies to quote on behalf of a policy which would......

A Somewhat Unexpected Development Has Occurred In The...

The Tibetans, probably hoping for Russian protection from a distance, have refused to pay even their usual nominal respect to Chinese advice. They have marked their disregard......

London Had A Tragic Sensation On Tuesday. Mr. Justice Bigham

summed up the case of Whitaker Wright, in which he showed clearly, in spite of the opinions of the Attorney-General and Mr. Balfour as expressed in Parliament, that if the facts......

It Is Stated, Apparently With Full Authority, That The Oppo-

sition intend to move three amendments to the Address,—one upon fiscal reform, one upon the mismanagement of the late war, and one condemning the education policy of the Govern-......