30 JANUARY 1904, page 36

Deal In Wheat, And Other Stories. By Frank Norris. (grant

Richards. 6s.)—The late Mr. Norris described his book as being a collection of stories "of the New and Old West." The stories certainly deserve the American adjective "bright,"......

Mn. Smith May Be Congratulated On A Very Interesting And

valuable little book. He has not attempted, what indeed is a well-nigh impossible task, to deduce from the history of the Tory party in Britain a logical and consistent creed,......

Eden Phillpottb Has Given 118 In The American Prisoner, If

not a perfect work of art, at least a very exciting and interesting story, rendered additionally attractive by its scenery, setting, and mode of presentation generally. Let us......

Hoods. Mr. Sykes Is Anxious, It Would Seem, To Show

us, not exactly the squalor, for the word would not be appropriate, but the meanness of the life of the wealthy. His hero is a young Peer, the son of an ennobled millionaire. He......