30 JANUARY 1926, page 2

The Soviet Discharged An Ultimatum At Him, But In The

end refrained from sending troops and agreed to carry his soldiers free of charge if the railway officials were released. The crisis was thus resolved. But what an irony it all......

Through The Agency Of The Scottish National Housing...

Mr. Baldwin, 2,000 steel houses would be built as soon as possible. Such houses would at all events serve until the day when ordinary methods of, building could "catch up with......

On Wednesday The American Senate Voted Adherence To The...

Court by 76 votes to 17. It would have been a great irony if America, the virtual creator of the Court, had acted otherwise. The bonds between Europe and America are being drawn......

At Stirling On Tuesday, Mr. Baldwin Spoke, As Was Most

appropriate, about the housing conditions in Scotland. He said that if he produced painful facts it was not because he wanted to attack Scotland, but because he wanted to......

The Affair Between The Soviet Government And Chang...

Manchurian War Lord, looks less dangerous than it did a few days ago, but it may still be found to have great significance. Chang recently imprisoned M. Ivanoff (the manager of......

• Fortunately, Second Thoughts Saved The Delegates From...

act. On Monday they met again and kr. W Dobbie (President of the N.U.R.), Mr. J. H. Thomas, Mr. C. T. Cramp, and others, succeeded in convincing them that the only alternative......

Any Further Advance Along The Road Of Collective Social...

Mr. Baldwin went on to say, must depend upon our economic position. Unless great economies were effected—" I cannot state this too definitely "—an increase of taxation would be......

The Prime Minister Has Made Three Remarkable Speeches...

: the first in London on Monday, the second at Stirling on Tuesday, and the third at Sunderland on Wednesday. On Monday he said that British political and financial prestige......

The Terms Of The Agreement For Funding The Italian Debt

were announced on Wednesday. Mr. Churchill has accepted annual payments of £4,500,000 over a period of sixty-two years, with only slightly reduced payments in the earlier years.......