30 JULY 1927, page 12

Country Life

IN ANIMALS' DEFENCE. " It's beautiful—sitting up there in the sun." So said the guide who showed me over a new building at Letchworth. He might have been recommending a......

A Thistle Seed Problem.

Here is a little botanical problem that sounds to me quite absurd, but is vouched for by a good practical botanist. We all know how rapidly thistles may spread. Time seed is......

Britain's Gift.

This South African farmer will take back to Griqualand, when the party leave in October, a thoroughbred stallion, a tractor, and a bull or two. The thoroughbred is to cross with......

The Latest And Best.

It is an old saying that it is as easy to grow the best as the worst ; and of late it may be said, among both flowers and fruits, that the best sorts are even lustier than the......

A July Virtue.

Country folk have discovered one virtue in the weather that has otherwise and in general oppressed the whole community. It has been almost a rule that the more the barometer......

Bedford Or Griqualand ?

Two farmers last week were watching sheep-dog trials in Ancipthill Park ; and when the three very obstinate sheep were safely penned by two Westmorland dogs, the two found......

The Modern House.

We all know—and many of us squirm at the prospect— what a multitude of pink-roofed bungalows are being built in England. But ugly though many. are, and set in places whence they......