30 JULY 1927, page 17

General Knowledge Competition

THE prize of one guinea which the Editor offers weekly for the best thirteen General Knowledge Questions (with answers) is awarded to Miss Vaughan for the following :—......

The Legacy Of Israel, Planned By The Late I. Abrahams,

and edited by Edwyn R. Bevan and Charles Singer (Clarendon Press, 10s.), is a very remarkable book. The joint product of Christian and Jewish scholarship, it " deals with the......

" It Is Customary," Says Mr. Havelock Ellis, " To

regard Shenstone as a poet," though Miss Edith Sitwell would not agree with him here. But Mr. Ellis continues, " It is in his completely neglected prose that he is most......

There Is No Question That The Most Successful Way Of

learning to swim is to practise the different strokes on land, until they become automatic, before attempting to try them in the water, and Mr. Sid G. Hedges' The Book of......

None That Knew Sir Rider Haggard In The Flesh Would

have denied him the quality of sincerity ; those who knew him most intimately would add to this that a fine simplicity was also one of his marked attributes. This latter trait......

This Week's Books

GEORGE BORROW and Sir Hall Caine would have been of one mind over what Borrow styles " those disgraceful and brutalizing exhibitions called pugilistic combats." But......