30 JUNE 1888, page 2

The Contest At Chicago Ended On Monday By A Nomination

of Mr. Benjamin Harrison, lawyer, of Indiana, formerly Brigadier-General during the war, as the candidate of the Republican Party for the Presidency. The result was partly......

The German Reichstag Was Opened On Monday By The Emperor

in person, amidst unusual ceremonial and display, the occasion being considered so grave that the King of Saxony and the Regent of Bavaria, who are Catholics, were permitted to......

Some Signs Of A Possible Financial Panic Are Apparent In

Paris. The Panama Lottery Loan has failed, the advantages offered to subscribers not being sufficient, and lotteries not attracting the cool-headed peasantry. There has been a......

The Speech To The Prussian Diet On June 27th Was

nearly as important as that to the German Reichstag. The King, after the regular reference to his father and to his grand- father's "glorious reign," declared his resolution to......

The House Of Commons On Wednesday Rejected The Channel...

(Experimental Works) Bill on its second reading by 307 to 165, a division the more remarkable because Mr. Gladstone made a speech for the Bill, explaining that his own......

Mr. Balfour's Speech Was The Most Massive In The Debate,

being marked, however, here and there by an accent of scorn that was in excess of wisdom. He commented on the singular ingratitude with which the Opposition treated the......

Mr. W. O'brien Was Very Vehement, Unscrupulous, And At The

close of his speech, effective. He calmly maintained that the tears shed over Norah Fitzmaurice are crocodile tears, and that there is no more connection between the Kerry......