30 JUNE 1888, page 3

A Singular Rumour Reaches Europe From Africa. It Is...

on authority which is believed both in Suakim and in London, that a "White Pasha," with a considerable force, has appeared at Bahr-el-Ghazul, and is threatening Kordofan, to the......

The Lord Chief Justice Addressed A Letter To Monday's Timm

in which he appealed for subscriptions to the memorial which it is proposed to raise to Matthew Arnold. Our readers will find this letter reproduced in our advertising columns,......

The Opposition Have Not Made Much Of Their Attempt To

retain part of the licensing clauses in the County Government Bill. They tried their strength twice on Thursday, but twice failed. Sir W. Harcourt, who has suddenly discovered......

Bank Rate, 21 Per Cent.

New Consols (2f) were on Friday 99i to 991 ad.......

Prince Ferdinand Seems To Have Won His Constitutional...

Bulgaria, the Ministry consenting to a compromise. The sentence of the court-martial on Major Popoff was confirmed, but he was exonerated from all penalties except the loss of......

We Regret To Record The Resignation Of His Bishopric By

Dr. Mackarness, Bishop of Orford, on the ground of ill-health. He has throughout shown a manliness and independence worthy of the English Episcopate, but not often regarded as......

The Education Commission Have Signed Their Report, Or At...

seventeen of them have signed it, while a minority of eight, consisting of Sir John Lubbock, Mr. Lyulph Stanley, Mr. Henry Richard, Sir Bernhard Samuelson, Dr. Dale, Mr. Sydney......

The House Of Commons On Wednesday Rejected The Channel...

(Experimental Works) Bill on its second reading by 307 to 165, a division the more remarkable because Mr. Gladstone made a speech for the Bill, explaining that his own......

We Observe That The Proposal Of The Church Association To

prosecute the Bishop of Lincoln, which we treated with some- thing like scorn the other day, is regarded as serious, and it is even said that if persisted in, the case will be......

It Seems Probable That We Have Another Little War Upon

our hands. The Governor of Natal has telegraphed to the Colonial Office that Dinizulu, the heir of the relics of Cetewayo's power, on June 23rd attacked Usibepu, a chief under......