30 MARCH 1878, page 2

Mr. Gladstone Has Made Two Speeches In Eight Days,—one To

the Greenwich Five Hundred, and one to a deputation from Leeds. Both were received with enthusiasm. The points of both were that the war had been one acceptable to Providence,......

Yesterday Week Sir John Lubbock Moved A General...

relation to the unsatisfactory state of maritime law in relation to the rights of belligerents, for the purpose of raising a discussion on the point for which the United States......

A Most Lamentable Occurrence Has Clouded The Week. H.m.s.

' Eurydice,' a 26-gun wooden sailing-frigate, of 921 tons dis- placement, was passing Dunnose, in the Isle of Wight, on Sunday afternoon, at half-past four. She was on her way......

The Due De Broglie Has Again Appeared In Politics This

week, to justify, or rather to make a feeble attempt to justify, the wholesale Press prosecutions by which his Government was distin- guished. The Press Offences Amnesty Bill......

A Telegram From Philadelphia To The Times Informs Us That

the President intends to recommend payment of the sum (£110,000) given under the award of the Halifax Fishery Commis- sion, and that the Senate will accept the recommendation,......

The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Made A Speech On Saturday,

at a dinner given by the Metropolitan Board, of little interest in itself—though he remarked en passant that valour was sometimes the better part of discretion—but which......

The Debate Which Followed Showed That Neither By The Govern

ment nor by the House had the question been really thought out in the ten years since it was last discussed. Sir William Harcourt delivered a very able speech, showing that......