30 MARCH 1878, page 3

Lord Beauchamp's Bill For Creating Four New...

Liverpool, severed from the diocese of Chester, and to be subsidised by revenues from the Bishopric of Sodor and Man ; the Bishopric of Newcastle-on-Tyne, to be assisted in the......

Sir James Ingham Has Reported On The Case Of The

Fenian con- vict McCarthy, who died suddenly from heart complaint im- mediately after his release from prison, and whose death has been attributed to the severity of his......

Consols Were On Friday 94i To 941.


The Zulu Chief Cetywayo Has Hit Upon A Notable Remedy

for the war-fever which appears to be common to Zulus and Lon- doners. On the advice of persons learned in natural magic, he ordered up all his regiments, and administered an......

We Made The Error Last Week, In Our Reference To

the proposed memorial to M. Claude Bernard, of attributing to that celebrated French physiologist an experiment described at some length in the evidence before the recent Royal......

It Would Really Appear As If The Police Were Powerless

against those who steal only jewels, and that the mere possession of them is an invitation to burglars. At a great wedding some months ago, the presents, chiefly jewels, were......

Some Of The Irish Members Got Up An Exciting "

scene " in the House of Commons on Monday, in denouncing the address of Mr. Justice Keogh to the Grand Jury of Londonderry, on March 18. Mr. Justice Keogh was reported to have......

The Liberals Sustained A Severe Defeat At Worcester On...

day. The borough has usually been Liberal, and at the last election Mr. A. C. Sherriff beat the highest Tory (Mr. J. D. Allcroft) by 2,284 to 1,958, and the second Liberal was......

The Debate Which Followed Showed That Neither By The Govern

ment nor by the House had the question been really thought out in the ten years since it was last discussed. Sir William Harcourt delivered a very able speech, showing that......