3 AUGUST 1956, page 18

99 Gower Street, London, W.c.1

Euston 3221......

Sauce For The Gander

SIR,—As 1 can claim no knowledge industrial relations questions, it is humility and doubt that 1 venture to a s o whether, if the right of workers to longer the statutory......

The Very Devil Stn,—mr. Peter Wiles Has Performed A Valu-

able public service in exposing the political bias and the misleading omissions of Mr. Barker's monograph Some Problems of Incen- tives and Labour Productivity in Soviet......

'paris Album'

SIR,—Having been a book reviewer MYs for more than a quarter of a centUrY , know the difficulties and hardships of professional reviewer's life and do not to seem unduly......

Deification And Clarification Sir,—i Am Sorry To Be A Bore,

but I 011/5 help your Mr. Pharos. He writes: `To the Abbess, the deiticat 1 of the Mother of God was a heresy. The I things are going, it looks as if the heresy soon be dogma.'......

Letters To The Editor

The Golden Chance C. A. Harrison Nationalisation and Propaganda Austen Aibti , MP The Very Devil Lionel Bloch Sauce for the Gander Dorothy Smith Deification and Clarification......

Nationalisation And Propaganda Sir,—i Do Not Understand...

which is supposed to be an independent weekly, employs Mr. Charles Curran as its chief political commentator. He is about as independent of the Tory Central Office as a tortoise......