3 AUGUST 1956, page 28

The Koran

AMONG the books that have marked civilisa- tion, but whose influence remains obscure to those who have not read them in the original, stands the Koran. We know that it sent the......

All About The Scrolls

TliE Dead Sea Scrolls have often produced more h_eat than light from their would-be interpreters and it is high time that an authoritative and comparatively objective......

Recent Reprints

NOVELS, ETC. Penguin Books: The Masters, by C. P. Snow (3s. 6d.); The Short Weekend, by T. S. Strachan (2s. 6d.); The Case of the Half' Wakened Wife, by Erie Stanley Gardner......

New Novels

NOT least among the horrors of modern war are the 'fearless indictments' of it that come along in the form of fiction. These, it is said, are devoured by the young. Soldiers who......