3 MAY 1884, page 14

The Clergy And Vivisection.

pro TIM EDITOR Or TEL "BPECTATOR."1 SIE"—Mr. Collier, in his letter in your current issue, has indeed —albeit, unconsciously—revealed the reason why many of the clergy have......

" Dame-dieu !"

[To THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I have read with much interest and amusement your article on " Swearing " in the Spectator of April 26th. But you will permit me to......

1..a.e, Over-education Of Dogs.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] Sra,—How do we know that in inviting dogs to the use of words Sir John Lubbock is developing their intelligence ? Are we sure that he is not......

Each Penny Of Income-tax.

[TO THZ EDITOR OP TEL "SPECTATOR."] SIB., - 18 not the increase in the country's prosperity really greater than you state, and that increase hidden by a fact you niention ?......

How Do Dogs Perspire? [to The Editor Of The "spectator."

J Sin„—I come forward very late with a correction, having only recently observed your notice of my " Silverado Squatters.' Your critic quotes my words that a dog " would be......

The Vivisection Report.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SFECtIATOR." So.,—Your correspondent, Mr. Collier, seems to be under the impression that the Official Report on Vivisection is a trust- worthy document.......