3 MAY 1884, page 3

Sir Richard Cross Opposed The Bill On The Same Grounds

as Sir W. Harcourt, and Mr. Labouchere made a very amusing speech in support of it, in which he said that Sir Richard Cross had decided that the laws of nature, of science, and......

When Mr. Parnell Sat Down, Mr. Trovelyan Rose And Made

the important announcement that the Government had pre- pared a Bill to facilitate purchase, which was in nearly the last stage of readiness, and which he hoped to produce......

Marquis Tseng, The Chinese Ambassador In London And....

been recalled, and replaced by the Ambassador hitherto stationed in Berlin, Li-Fong-Pao. It is understood that the instructions of the new Minister are to make peace with France......

It Is Rumoured That The Hon. And Rev. E. Carr

Glyn is to be the next Bishop of Ripon. Mr. Glyn is a moderate Evangelical, and, it is said, a good organiser; at least, he has kept up at Kensington in great efficiency the......

' Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.

Consols were on Friday 1014 to 1011.......

Mr. Dodson On Monday Proposed An Amendment To The New

'Cattle Diseases Bill, compelling the Privy Council to prohibit importation "whenever they are not satisfied in respect to any foreign country, or any specified part thereof,"......

A Most Important Debate On Irish Land Came Off On

Wednes- day afternoon. lir-Dickson has proposed a Bill for purchasing Irish estates and selling them to the tenantry through a corpo- rate body, to which Government would lend......

The Republican State Conventions In America Have Now All...

their delegates for the general Convention which will meet at Chicago to nominate a candidate for the Presidency. The number of delegates is 820, and it is stated that while all......

The Convocation Of Oxford On Tuesday Gave A Remarkable And

crushing majority in favour of the statute sanctioning the admission of women to certain of the degree examinations and the regular classification of the results. Convocation......