3 OCTOBER 1925, page 31

F. Anstey: Hiumoris The Lizst Load. By F. Anstey. (methuen.

5s.) SOME composers of tone-poems were fond of concluding them with an envoi, a rapid coda into which all the themes found their way for a n - oment or so. This unexpected . and......

Some Of The Ingenious Satires In Mr. Humbert Wolfe's New

book, Lampoons (Benn's), are familiar to readers of the Spectator. The whole book is delightful in its deftness and grace. Mr. Wolfe in the preface pleads for savagery and anger......

Sir Ernest Benn Stands Up Like A Man And Gives

an excellent account of himself in The confessions of a Capitalist (Hutchin- son) Although the Communist agitator does not generally inform his audience of the fact, it is not......

This Week's Books Jorn Masepeld Has Written A New Play,

The Trial of Jesus (Heinemann) ; but, alas ! it is no great play, and we should prefer that it had remained unwritten. For Mr. Masefield's ideals are gentle and thin ; we cannot......

Miss Eleanour Sinclair Rohde Has Often Put Us In Her

debt by choosing for us from our old literature passages that introduce us to " pleasaunt cleare ayres, sweete Gardens, goodly hilles." Now she gives us The Old-World Pleasaunce......

Messrs. Macmillan Publish In One Volume The Early Poems And

Stories of Mr. W. B. Yeats. Mr. Yeats has written a short preface, in which he says :— " I tried . . . to write nothing but emotion, and in the simplest language, and now I have......
