3 OCTOBER 1925, page 44

Monetary Considerations.

During the past week there has been a material setback in the American exchange on London, which has reached the lowest point since our return to the Gold Standard at the end......

International Debts.

On the other hand there is no disguising the fact that as each of the European countries funds its debt to the United States, there promises to be an ever-increasing pressure......

Finance-public And Private

THE BOOM IN RUBBER . SHARES BY ARTHUR W. KIDDY. .THE question of what actually constitutes a boom in a particular market is one which few would care to deter- mine. When a......

Financial Notes

SOME' ADVERSE FACTORS. Wumr., as' described elsewhere, the activity of rubber shares has continued to be the outstanding feature of the Stock Exchange, general markets received......

Labour Apprehensions.

The other development which exerted an influence upon all markets was the threatened recrudescence of the coal mining crisis. Quite suddenly, the Premier, on his return, seems......