3 SEPTEMBER 1887, page 3

The Text Of Our Recent Treaty With China Has Just

been published. England agrees that decennial missions shall be sent from Burmah to China to present articles of local produce, the members of the minions to be of Burmese race.......

Mr. Bright Has Addressed An Interesting Letter On The...

of International Arbitration to the Secretary of the London Peace Society, who is about to proceed to America to advocate there the advisability of a Treaty with England, under......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

Consols were on Friday 1011 to 1014.......

The Riots At Ostend Have Been Continued During The Week.

On Wednesday, volleys of stones were thrown at an English ship in the harbour, and the attack became so serious, that the vessel had to proceed to sea. A quantity of fish was,......

The Murderer Pranzini Was Executed On Wednesday Morning At 5

o'clock, in the public square in front of the prison of La Roquette. For nearly a week before, immense crowds had gathered every night, in the hopes of catching a sight of the......

We Notice With The Greatest Pleasure Mr. Chamberlain's...

the post of Chief English Commissioner in the Anglo-American Fishery Commission. Mr. Chamberlain's great power of mastering new and complicated details, and his statesmanlike......

The London Popular Demonstrations Have Not Of Late Been Very

imposing affairs. That held last Saturday evening in Trafalgar Square to protest against the proclamation of the National League seems to have been simply ridiculous. Not-......

It Is Difficult To Master The Details Of The Controversy

which is being carried on in the Times concerning the action of the Salters' Company in refusing to continue their acctuitomed grants to the churches, schools, and charitable......

Mr. Gladstone Delivered At Hawarden Castle On Tuesday An...

and very graceful address to a number of his fellow- parishioners whom he entertained at a Jubilee treat in honour of the Queen's completion of the fiftieth year of her reign.......

Lord Doneraile Died Of Hydrophobia Yesterday Week, And...

the third death within a few days amongst M. Pasteur's patients. Yet Sir Henry Roscoe, in his inaugural address on Wednesday to the British Association, spoke of M. Pasteur's......