3 SEPTEMBER 1994, page 30

Sper Me O R

SUBSCRIBE TODAY RATES 12 Months 6 Months UK D £80.00 O £41.00 Europe (airmail) 0 191.00 O £46.00 USA Airspeed 0 US$130 • US$66.00 USA Airmail:1 US$175 O US$88 Rest of Airmail L]......

Letters On Social Workers

Sir: I read Alasdair Palmer's piece with a familiar sense of horror (`Get the baby, go and get the baby, 6 August). I don't think most people in England realise that politi-......

Mad Dogs

Sir: I was glad to see that Ross Clark is foaming with rage at Britain's quarantine laws. I am too — and a host of others employed abroad. As a dog-owner of some 25 years'......

Sir: I Have Just Read The Article On Rabies And

the quarantine system (Mad dogs and Englishmen', 20 August). It has resolved me to try and change the dietary habits of a nation, to modestly propose that a cam- paign be......

Sir: As Usual With The Media, Alasdair Palmer's Article...

a totally one-sided, unfair view. Journalists and reporters are forever out to portray social workers as the big bad bully boys, and never miss a chance to knock the Social......

Remembering Squalor

Sir: I read with growing wonderment how great the improvement in the 'quality of life' in Britain has been since the late 1970s ('We really haven't ever had it so good', 13......