4 AUGUST 1860, page 12

Y. Topics Of The D

THE FORTIFICATION VOTE. THE House of Commons has decided in favour of the -nisferial scheme for the national defences, and against Mr. Lin lsay's amendment by a majority of 288......

Telegraphic Advioes From Calcutta To The 18th Of June,...

to the 30th of May, Sydney to the 13th of June and Melbourne to the 1911, all agree in representing trade as being at a s tand.......


On the 21st of July, at Jesmond Grove, Edgbaston, the Wife of George A. Everitt, 6Esq., Belgian and Hanoverian Consul at Birmingham, of a son. On the 23d, at St. Margaret's,......


Mr. Morris Moore's Picture Of "apollo And Marsyas " Has

lately been making a sensation in Rome, and 80 many people ask permission to see it that it has been difficult to comply with ,all requests and still keep the exhibition a......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Yesterday, and again today, a tolerably active demand for Money pre- vailed in the discount market, and rates had an upward tendency ; they......