4 JULY 1914, page 22

Confirmation And Communion. [to The Editor Of Tel...

correspondent's letter hi last week's Spectator respecting the confirmation of John Evelyn recalls to me a passage in the fascinating Autobiography of Mrs. Alice Thornton......

[to Tim Editor 07 The " Srectitcat."] Sir,—like Many Of

your readers, I have been much interested in the article by "A. C." on this important subject, and I notice that the Church Times accepts the argument that every parishioner has......

[to The Editor Of Ms "spectator."] Sie,—the Argument Of...

to some extent depends on the suspension of the practice of confirmation during a period when irregularities were of necessity tolerated. In this respect there is, I venture to......

[to The Editor 07 Tel "spectator."] Sre,—i Have Read With

great interest your article on "The Church and the Nonconformists" in your issue of June 13th, May I call your attention to a point which has apparently been ignored by "An......