4 JUNE 1853, page 15


Ir gratitude is "a lively sense of future favours," those who ne- glect to pay it will find their credit cut off in the shop of futurity. Seriously, there is no more unhappy......

Rtfttr In Qt Mgr.

1st June 1853. Sin—In the somewhat irregular discussion in the House of Lords the other day, on the new duties on succession, the descent of the title of Nelson was referred to......

Tea Or Talk?

A Chancellor of the Exchequer who knows when to hold his tongue may be an innovation, but it is a valuable one ; and in comparing the qualifications of the statesman who......

The Irish School-booliselling Question.

HAVING accomplished an understanding with the United States for the purpose of abolishing that reprinting of books without honestly paying for the copyright which injured......

Secular Education.—a Deputation From The National Public...

on Lord John Russell on Thursday, to lay before him their objections to the Government Bill. Lord John in some mea- sure replied to their objections. He said that all the......