5 JULY 1969, page 26

Sick Of The Sick Society

Sir: 'But they [the rich nations] should not be asked to assume an open-ended moral indebtedness in areas over which they no longer exercise control,' writes John Rowan Wilson......

Partisan Story

Sir: It's nice of Mr Brian Crozier to grit his teeth and try to find some virtue in my book about 'Portuguese' Guinea (21 June). But I fear I must ask you to print this short......

Spring Offensive

Sir: One must naturally feel honoured that such a distinguished personage as a King's scholar should find so much to criticise in a simple sentence of one's previous letter.......

Table Talk

Sir: Please forgive me for this delay in writing to you about Sir Denis Brogan's re- view on 25 April of G. K. Chesterton's place in English literature, but I could not write to......


The danger in our midst FERDINAND MOUNT The shadow is dark and ever more menac- ing, not to say fraught with danger and disaster. We cannot lightly contemplate a continuing......

Unfair To Skeff ?

Sir: I must take issue with your correspon- dent, A. Walker (21 June), on the subject of Auberon Waugh's brilliant creation T. C. Skeffington-Lodge. So far from being `boring',......