5 MARCH 1887, page 21

Sketches Of Some Distinguished Anglo-indians ; With An...

Anglo-Indian Periodical Literature. By Colonel W. F. B. Laurie, Retired, Royal (Madras) Artillery. A new edition, revised and enlarged. (W. H. Allen and Co.)—With the very best......

Poems By Elizabeth Barrett Browning. This Volume Is...

the approval of Mr. Robert Browning. (Smith, Elder, and Co.) —The advertisement tells us that "this volume is printed from the edition of Mrs. Browning's works published in......

Uncle Sam's Medal Of Honour, 1861-66. Collected And...

Bev. F. Bodenbough, Brevet Brigadier-General, U.S.A. (G. P. Putnam's Sons, London and New York.)—A plentifully illustrated volume, with many portraits of the eoldiers decorated......

Some Magazines.

Tax Nineteenth Century is, on the whole, this month in advance- of its fellows,—that is, it contains more papers which men seeking other food for their minds than fiction care......

Current Literature.

The Journal of Education, 1886. (W. Rice.)—The annual volume of the Journal is as interesting as usual. A solid, well-conaidered opinion on all educational subjects that have......

Old Cookery-books And Ancient Cuisine. By W. Carew...

Stock.)—This is a book of pleasant gossip on a subject which is not easily exhausted, and which can hardly fail to be interesting. Mr. Hazlitt, indeed, digresses considerably,......