5 MARCH 1887, page 22

Madame Bovary : Provincial Manners. By Gustave Flaubert....

Eleanor Marx•Aveling. (Vizetelly and Co.)—It is late in the day to criticise Madame Bovary, a book about which decent people are pretty well agreed. But Mrs. Aveling introduces......

Civilisation Of The Eastern Iranians In Ancient Times. By...

Wilhelm Geiger. Vol. I. Translated by Dirab Dilator Peahoton . San** B.A. (H. Frowde.)—This is a learned research into a very remote period of human life, to one of the......

Japanese Life, Love, And Legend. From "le Japon...

Maurice Dabard, by William Cony. (Ward and Downey.)— This volume contains reminiscences of travel in Japan, set in. a framework of romance. The author, with a friend and......

Mary Stuart. By The Rev. Joseph Stephenson, S.j. (w....

Edinburgh.)—Mr. Stephenson's subject is one that is comparatively fresh,—the early life of Mary Stuart. It has the advantage, also, of being less involved and difficult, and can......

Margaret Jermine. By Fayr Mader,. 3 Vole. (macmillan And...

story opens with just such another unnatural episode as repelled us at the outset of "Thereby." There it was a duel in cold blood between two friends who had grown weary of life......

The Life Of Words As The Symbols Of Ideas. Translated

from the French of Arserie Darmatetter. (Began Paul, Trench, and Co.)— We can heartily recommend this little book, containing lectures privately delivered last year in London,......

Marcella Grace. By Hose Mulholland. (began Paul, Trench,...

is a finely tragical story, the passion of the drama being wrought to a high point when the heroine states that which is false to save the man whom she loves, and is compelled......

Old Cookery-books And Ancient Cuisine. By W. Carew...

Stock.)—This is a book of pleasant gossip on a subject which is not easily exhausted, and which can hardly fail to be interesting. Mr. Hazlitt, indeed, digresses considerably,......

To Lake Tanganyika - In A Bath - Chair. By Annie B. More.

(Sampson Low and Co.)—The reader must not suppose that the " bath-chair " was actually drawn on wheels to Lake Tanganyika, a distance of something like a thousand miles from the......