5 MARCH 1921, page 3

With That Declaration—it Was A Strong And Clear One—we Must

rest content for the present. We are particularly disposed to do so because it is evident that the Independent Liberals and Labour representatives have been using General.......

Lu The. House Of Commons On Tuesday Sir Hamar Greenwood

made out a good case for himself in the affair of Generals Tudor and Crozier. The all-important principle is the maintenance of discipline among , the police Auxiliaries in......

On Monday Sir Eric Geddes Explained To The House Why

the Government had to pay the railways fi43,000,000 instead of A22,000,000 in the current financial year. He said that the coal strike cost the railways £8,000,000, that the......

Mr. Churchill Gave The House On Tuesday An Interesting...

of the Royal Air Force, which comprises 2,900 officers, 25,000 men, and some civil assistants. He described its complex organization, which would, he said, become "the great......

The Democrat Is Really An Excellent Weekly Paper, Mainly...

for working men. It is actually what its title implies ; it is unceasing in its championship of the interests of the manual workers, but it believes that there is no hope of......

The Democrat, In Its Issue Of Friday, February 25th, Called

attention to a striking instance of employees asking for a reduc- tion in wages. This happened in the firm of Messrs. Robert Williams and Sons, embossers, finishers, and......

At A Meeting Of The Industrial League And Council At

the end of last week, Mr. MoKenna referred to the Index Figure of the, Cost of Living. He said :- "There never were more misleading figures published by e public department than......

The Sinn Fein Rebels Have Been Very Active In County

Cork during the past week. Near Marmon], on Friday, February 25th, a strong patrol of auxiliary police was ambushed by a large force of rebels and compelled to retire ; the......

On Wednesday There Was Another Move On A Much Larger

scale than that of the Gorton. workers in the same hopeful direction of reducing wages. The building trade unions decided to recommend for acceptance a scheme for wage regu-......

The House Of Commons On Friday, February 25th, Criticized...

severely a further Supplementary Estimate of £485,000 presented by the Office of Works for the accommodation of various departments. Objection was taken in particular to an......

Bank Rate, 7 Per Cent„ Changed From 6 Per Cent.

Apr. 15, 1920; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 85f; Thursday week, 80*; a year ago, 87*.......