5 MARCH 2005, page 20

Lay Off The Tory Tabloids

From Nigel Jones Sir: Douglas Hurd advises us to ignore the campaigns of the popular press — and, by implication, the people whose concerns they ably articulate (‘Time to fight......

Putin The Puppet

From Alexander Nekrassov Sir: In his article ‘Why Putin sells missiles to Syria’ (26 February) Simon Heffer writes that President Putin’s hard-line foreign policy represents a......

Children Need ‘rat Play’

From Dr Sean Haldane Sir: I agree with Leo McKinstry that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a ‘scandal’, but he only goes halfway to why in stating it is just......

Patten’s Patter

From Jonathan Mirsky Sir: In his otherwise excellent article on the folly of selling arms to China (‘Selling out to China’, 26 February), Andrew Gilligan falls into a familiar......

Tutorials Are Sacred

From Bill Macmillan Sir: James Howard-Johnston suggests that some of the most stimulating students are the ‘hot-air specialists who concoct essays out of very little hard......