5 OCTOBER 1833, page 9

Private Correspondence.

Paris. October '2, 1533. Tame r is a geed deal of stir in the departments of the Police here about the real or pretended news febin the South, of in important conspiracy in......

East India Siiii'ping.

Arrived—011 net. 20. Edward I.ombe, Freeman, from New South Wale,:. Offrlymuntli. Lt, Dninvc:zan I'..astle, Di a, from B.•m....11; aunt Thomm. Laurie, Langton. from Van......

Topics Of Tee[ Di V.

EARL G REY'S FAIVILLY A!, tt.o:N(ilalENTS —EXCLU- SIVE STATESMEN. THE mime of Earl GREY is imperishably c.minected with Parlia- mentary Iteihrm. For the services which he......

Money Market.

The English Funds havo been very slightly affected during the week : the tentleney to derline which we noticed in our last Number has, however. disap- peared, and the little......