6 APRIL 1962, page 14

The Two Cultures Captain S. W. Roskill, Rn (recd.), Sir

Richard Rees, Rev. Dr. Charles E. Raven, Robert Kahak, Neville Denny Libel in Israel I. D. Unna The. White Settlers D. G. Todd, Harvey R. Cole The New Men Lady June °taloa , The......

Libel In Israel Sus,—the Draft Bill Proposes Neither To...

Israelis nor to gag their press. It was designed with- out doing either of these things, to remedy what is generally admitted, by those acquainted with the present state of the......

Sir,—please Accept My Thanks For The Opportunity Of...

Leavis's lecture on C. P. Snow in its entirety. The points raised by Dr. Leavis deserve the consideration of everyone who respects the com- plexity of truth and is honestly......

Sir,—it Was A Relief To Turn From Your Correspond- Ence

columns to your wise editorial of March 30 on 'The Two Cultures.' You comment on the omis- sion of 'philosophy' from the Rede Lecture and explain that you are using the word to......

Sir,—your Readers Will Be Grateful To You For Re- Calling

us from the rather squalid slanging match between the admirers of Sir Charles Snow to the 'Two Cultures' which was the theme of his and Dr. Leavis's lectures. The objection......

Sia,—there Are Of Course No Two Cultures, Except In A

Reader's Digest sense, where (at a slightly more sophisticated level perhaps) a 'Scientific Culture' and a 'Literary Culture' jostle with a 'Teenage Cul- ture,, a Deb Culture, a......