6 DECEMBER 1834, page 10

The French Journals Mention Some Reports Of Battles...

Queen's troops and the insurgents on the Spanish frontiers: also, that a son of Don CARLOS has passed through Bayonne into Navarre, with a mission to his father from the Duke of......

The Vocal Concerts.

TilE trial night for the ensusing season was on Tuesday last; when the members of the Society, with the instrumental band of last season, performed some classical works of great......

A Trial Of Strength, On The Subject Of Chsrch-rates, Took

place yesterday at Birmingham ; when the People beat the Tories and the Church party, on a show of hands, by at least 100 to 1. The immense area of the new Town-hall —the......

The Thea Tres.

THE events of the week are few and slight. At Covent Garden, Mrs. GORE'S petit comedy, Modern Honour—with a moral pointed by the suicide of a ruined gambler, who retrieves his......


SATURDAY NIGHT. Mr. HUDSON arrived in London at half past two o'clock yesterday morning ; bringing information of Sir RIME er PE res departure from Rome for England on the 26th......

A Letter From 0. 1'. Q. On The Erniali Co

timer:au' ciliation, is utiavoidably i st1 oned till next eeek, tbr want of lootn. zany other Communications we are obliged to have unnoticed ; partly fiom want of room, partly......

Money Market.

STOCK EXCHANOF. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The scarcity of Money, which was the complaint of last week, continued up to yesterday ; when it was considerably mitigated by the advances......

Election Talk.

Mr. Ward's address to his constituents of St. Alban's, has provoked an- ger alarm in the breasts of the neighbouring aristocrats. Lord Verulam has started his son, Mr. Grimston,......

The Statement Made By The Chairman Of The Cork Dinner

on Monday, relative to the Duke of WELLINGTON'S order to Mr. ARTHUR O'CONNOR IO " be gone" from Ireland (as given in the Irish news), is not quite correct. It appears from a......

It Is Supposed That Sir Robert Peel May Arrive At

his town residence in the course of to-morrow.......

The Fluke Of Wellington Has Received Two Valuable...

his party this week. He must have felt sonic apprehension that neither Lord MA RY- BGROUGH, Lord COWLEY, Lord ELLENBOROUGH, nor yet Lord LY2411/IU RSV, would be accepted by the......