6 DECEMBER 1851, page 18

Publications Received.

Books. A History of the Romans under the Empire. By Charles Merivalo, B.D., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. Volume HI. A Faggot of .French Sticks. By the Author of......

Health Of London During The Week Endlyg November 29. (from

the Official .Return.) Ten 'Week* Week of 184140.. of 1861, Eymotie Diseases 2,282 232 Drew , Causer, and other diseases of uncertain or satiable seat_ 614 64 Tubercular... .......

Military Gazette.

Wan-omen Dec. 5.-5th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Lieut. A. J. H. Elliot to-be Adjt. vice Bob bins, who resigns tbe Adjutancy only. 7th Drag. Guards--Cornet . J.J. Nunn to be Lieut. by......


On the 28th November, at St. James's Palace, the Hon. Mrs. Grey, of a son. On the 28111, in Chesham Place, Lady Caroline King, of a son. On the 28th, at Shalden Rectory,. the......