6 JANUARY 1950, page 6

Little Coal—much Praise

There is surely something excessive, something not unconnected with the coming General Election, in the praise which has been lavished upon the miners for their success in 1949.......

Dollars For The Colonies

Wherever the responsibility may be adjudged to lie, the break- down of the loan negotiations between the Colonial Development Corporation and the International Bank is......

• Defiant Israel

How far Zionism is a religious and how far a secular movement the Zionists have never been able to agree among themselves. There can, however, be no doubt that the current......

Schoolmaster Or Bus-driver ?

The cry of the underpaid schoolmaster has been heard so often in the post-war years that mere reiteration has in some cases deadened its effect. But the arresting address given......

Victory For The Wafd

With no more known of the result of the General Election in Egypt than that the Wafd, led by the now veteran Nahas Pasha, is assured of a clear majority in the Chamber, detailed......

Focus On Formosa

A note of reserve marked the references made by the Russian propaganda services to China during the official celebrations of Marshal Stalin's seventieth birthday ; though she......