6 JANUARY 1950, page 8

How Many Marks Should Be Awarded For The Following ?

Trans- late into Latin: " My wife could not remember how much 'milk was left." Answer: "Mea feminam non potebat souvenire quaniam......

Susan, I Read, Was The Most Popular Name For Female

infants in 1949 as in 1948. This surprises me. There is nothing to be said against Susan, and nothing very much for it. But why choose it ? The name never seems to have......

The Birthday Honours List Is As Uninteresting As Any I

remember. The House of Lords gains Sir Steven Bilsland, a notable figure in the life of South-West Scotland, and five estimable Members of the House of Commons. Among the new......

A Spectator's Notebook

T HE widening activities of the company which owns the Daily Mirror are worth watching. The Mirror itself, with a circulation of over 4,000,000, is reckoned an asset to the......

The Prime Minister Was 67 On Tuesday ; The Alternative

Prime Minister is 75. Meanwhile brilliant public servants like (for example) Sir Wilson Jameson, the Chief Medical Officer of the Ministry of Health, are being retired at 65.......

" Cheap Evening Trunk Rates Throughout Britain Will Not Be

available tomorrow, which is a holiday in Scotland." Such is the almost incredible decision of the Postmaster-General. We are bitterly familiar with the cynical disregard of the......

Westward Look

p RESIDENT TRUMAN'S annual message on the state of the-Union came in time to introduce a greater element of stability into the views of Americans on their own future. Until he......

It Would Be Hard To Exaggerate The Possible Importance - Of

a new body, the British Empire Society for. the Blind, whose forma- tion is announced this week. Several points about it strike one at once. One is the immensity of the need for......

Low's Transference From The Evening Standard To - The...

is an event in journalism. He is going where he is going, I imagine, because the Herald represents his spiritual home, as the Evening Standard certainly did not. At first sight......