6 JANUARY 1990, page 26

Dynamite Disguised In A Scholarly Edition

Jonathan Clark HOLY LIVING and HOLY DYING by Jeremy Taylor, edited by P.G. Stanwood OUP, £45, pp.420; £35, pp.312 hen the name of Jeremy Taylor is no longer remembered with......

The Adventures Of Flash Harry

Patrick Pender-Cudlip STANLEY: THE MAKING OF AN AFRICAN EXPLORER by Frank McLynn Constable, £17.95, pp. 411 STANLEY, Henry Morton, KCB, Grand Commander (of the Osmanlie, of the......

Gutting The Abc

After years of corporate mismanagement it's over, box-office slumping to a few Maltesers melting from hand to mouth. The whole façade is down. I stand where the screen used to......