6 MARCH 1936, page 21

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sut,—Mr. .1. A. Spender's remark that " the one thing our young writers cannot stand is chaff " is interesting, if true, but I am .iirclirred to think that. there Are -other......

Examining The Examiners

[To the Editor of TUE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I am sorry to find a slip in my letter to you of last .week, for which I am entirely responsible, and which was due to pure accident. In......

Linguistic Swings And Logical Round-abouts

[To the Editor of TIIE SPECTATOR.] SIR, — In the review which you published of my Language, Truth and Logic, Miss A. B. V. Drew accuses me of committing fallacies which escape......


[Von cinem deutschen Korrespondentcn] SOEBEN ist der neuc Fahrplan der Deutsche!' Zeppelin- Reederei erschienen. Zum ersten Male werden zwei Luft- schiffe in den 11'eltverkehr......