6 MAY 1911, page 12

Lord George Hamilton And Mr.. John Burns.

[To TIM EDITOR OF THY " SPRCTATOP.."] must be a matter for regret to moderate men that there should be a difference of opinion between the Chairman of the recent Royal......

Public-house Reform.

[TO THE EDITOR. Or THE "SPECTATOU."] SIR,—You have been kind enough to mention, with approval, from time to time, the work of the People's Refreshment House Association, and......

Tto 122 Match Of Th2 4 `itescraros.."1 Sns,—i Have Read Your

leading article on this subject, and if you care to publish this letter from one who bets on horse racing, you can do so. I am a regular reader of your paper and am absolutely......

An Organised Hypocrisy. [to Tux Editor Or The...

I supply Mr. Wallace-Hadrill with one or two facts which should interest him P The advertisement which he quotes (and which I should be very sorry to defend) was issued when Mr.......