6 MAY 1911, page 22

The Modern Dry-fly.•

EVERYTHING that Mr. Halford writes about chalk-stream fish- ing is well worth reading, and The Modern Development of the Dry-Fly is a noteworthy book which all south-country......

The Magazines.

Mr. J. A. R. MARRIOTT in the _Nineteenth Century urges the need of granting to the Dominions an official and effective voice in foreign and Imperial policy, and suggests a......

Medieval Sicily.f

This handsome and well-illustrated book is a successful attempt to trace the imprint, more remarkable in Sicily • The Modern Development of the Dry-Fly. By Frederic 11. Raiford.......

The International Law Of The Greeks And Romans.*

Du. PHILLIPSON'S learned and ample treatise is, we believe, the first systematic work yet published on the subject. Laurent's huge llistoire du Droll des Gene covers, it is......