6 MAY 2006, page 44

Testing Times

FRANK KEATING B lossom by blossom, the season changes. So should the headlines. Fat chance. Weird times: roll up, roll up for a Lord’s cricket Test even before the mudlarks of......

Q. While Staying At A House Party In Norfolk I

lost a much loved and very expensive Georgina von Etzdorf scarf. And I’m afraid that when I couldn’t find it I suspected one of the other guests — who’d admired it and who was......

Q. What Is The Polite But Expressive Way To Respond

when people at parties surge up to me, faces aglow, leading me to believe they feel some joy in seeing me, and then proceed to make it clear as soon as they open their mouths......

Q. I Belong To A Modest Lawn Tennis Club With

grass courts and a few hard courts. Now that the season has come round again people are starting to say to me, ‘We must play tennis’ and I am aware that one of the reasons I am......