7 AUGUST 1852, page 20

Health Op London During The 'week Ending July 31.

[From the Official Return.] Ten Weeks Week of 1841-50. of 1831. Eymotis Diseases 8,806 .... 305 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat 426 .... 38......

Military Gazette.

Wan-orrice. Aug. 3.-12th Foot—Lieut.-Gen. R. G. H. Clarges, C.B. from 73d Foot, to be Colonel, vice General the Hon. R. Meade, dec. 73d Foot—Major-Gen. R. B. Macpherson, C.B. to......


On the 30th July, at Keith Hall, N.B., the Wife of Captain Peter Lamm Hawker, of a son. On the 30th, at Newton Rectory, in the Isle of Ely, the Wife of the Bev. James W.......

Publications Received.

BOOKS. Two Years on the Farm of Uncle Sam. With Sketches of his Loca- tion, Nephews, and Prospects. By Charles Casey. Our Iron Roads; their History, Construction, and Social......

Naval Gazette.

Anstmatior, July 30.—The following promotions have this day taken place, conse- quent on the death, on the 29th instant, of Admiral of the Blue Sir J. W. Loring, K.C.B. K.C.H.:......

Commercial Gazette.

Tuesday, August 3. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.—Churchill and Beane, Tunbridge Wells, merchants— E. and T. Twynam, Bishopstoke, agriculturists—Twynam and Co. Northam; Hamp- shire,......