7 DECEMBER 1929, page 16

Industry And Trade [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir,—re

your issue of November 16th, " Why so few British cars are sold on the Continent." I can follow the reasoning of your correspondent up to the point where he confines his remarks......

Letters To The Editor To Make England One Nation [to

the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—In his article on " The Public Schools and their Pur- pose," Dr. Norwood raises a question of profound importance to the future of this......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sut.—your Reviewer In The

appreciative description" of Dr. Dearmer's book has perhaps missed a rather important aspect with which I was forcibly struck : the strength of the argh- ment lies in the fact......

"the Legend Of Hell" [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

SIR,—In the very interesting review of Dr. Percy Dearmer's book, The Legend of Hell, the remark is made that " few, if any, men and women under forty in England can haveheard......

Unemployment And Tariffs In India.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Under the heading " News of the Week " in your issue of November 30th you point out that unemployment is growing, and you state that war......