7 DECEMBER 1929, page 20

We Have Already Told Our Readers At Some Length, Arid

with pardonable enthusiasm, of the superb edition of The Canterbury Tales which is issuing from the press at the Sign of the Golden Cockerel, in Waltham St. Lawrence. The second......

Christmas Books

Profuse and admirable illustrations, taken from contem- porary engravings, are a feature of MI . Maurice Besson's The Scourge of the Indies (Routledge, 42s.), agreeably......

The Competition

WE recently asked a contributor to write an article containing suggestions for a Better World, and we received the felloWing reply :-H". A short - recipe• would be murder half......

The Late Sir Valentine Chirol Had A Pen As Sensitive,

of colour as of line and words : he could paint, draw, write: he never missed the spirit for the sake of the fleshly envelope : he was versatile, intuitive, objective : he was a......

A Small Boy Found That Learning His Alphabet Was A

grievous trouble. " No wonder," said Mr. William Makepeace Thaekeray ; " it is such a very dull thing to learn.", So, he sat down with some notepaper before him, and 'composed a......

A Gay Book Overflowing With High Spirits Is Welcome "at

any time, most of all after the nuts and wine of Christmas. We know of no more agreeable reading than The Three Cornered Hat—a translation by Martin Armstrong of the immortal......

For A Hundred Years Jane Austen Hal Proved One Of

the most attractive and difficult of the classics to illustrate. As yet no artist has produced the precise combination of wit, shrewdness, and that elegant integrity of......

* * * * There Is Something Misleading About New

York by Miss Ethel Fleming (Black, 21s.) which we can exemplify by the following extract : a lady is surprised to see the crowds that throng the streets at one o'clock in the......

Sir Mason M. Beeton And Mr. E. Beresford Chancellor Have

edited and annotated the portion of the original text of Daniel Defoe's Tour Thro' Great Britain which deals with London, with the hope of reconstructing a vivid picture of the......
