7 DECEMBER 1974, page 4

The Old Lady At No. 6

From the Revd Arthur H. Bird Sir: The night is cold, there are flurries of snow in the wind. Some children are singing carols, and they bring back a flood of memories to the old......

Ira Bombings

From Dr R. K. Edwards Sir: The terrible IRA bomb attack in Birmingham with its horrible carnage, perhaps, at long last, has brought home to this nation just what the word......

Sir: A Year Or Two Ago The Spectator Printed A

letter of mine and captioned it 'Easier murder'. Since then, murder seems to have become easier indeed. In my letter I opined that the abolition of capital punishment might......

Sir: The Ira Bombings In Great Britain May Remind The

British people that the troubles in Ulster are not, as popularly depicted, merely an affair between 'the two sides' there with a neutral army caught in the cross-fire.......

Sir: There Are Degrees Of Viciousness And Enormity In...

crimes. What makes the anger at the present one so righteous is the fact that the bombhappy Irish fanatics who perpetrated it lacked any solid motivation. These indiscriminate......

Art And Agriculture

Sir: Mr Hugh Leggatt (Art and the wealth tax, November 16) is clearly much concerned at the lack of understanding over the enormous practical difficulties likely to ensure from......