7 JUNE 1968, page 30

The Tragedy Of The General

Sir : The Gaullist foreign policy of French and European independence is supported by many students and workers who demand his departure. In furtherance of that policy France......

Grass-roots Protesters

Sir: In your column 'Spectator's Notebook,' Mr J. W. M. Thompson mentioned Mr Cros- land's civilised action in reopening the inquiry into the siting of London's third airport,......


Sir: May I add a postscript to my letter (31 May) on the immigration issue in order to correct any impression that I am concerned solely with revealing the nature of our past......

Little Mr Noah

AFTERTHOUGHT JOHN WELLS The authenticity of the clay tablets recently unearthed at Buyuk Agri Dagi, the biblical Mount Ararat, in Northern Turkey, and be- lieved by many......

If The Crash Comes . . .

In last week's article, the words in italics were; through a printing error, omitted from the following sentence: `To meet this the Govern- ment is attempting to negotiate an......